The Beginning of a Beautiful Relationship

A native of Ann Arbor, Mich., Mira first visited Ball State during high school to pursue her interest in journalism. She fell in love with the campus and all the university had to offer. "It was one of those things-you just know immediately that it's right," Mira says.
Mira was involved with many student organizations at Ball State, including the Daily News, Public Relations Student Society of America, Cardinal Corps, and Delta Zeta sorority. After graduation, she attended graduate school at Bowling Green State University in sports administration. She interned at the NCAA headquarters in Kansas, which led to a position with the NCAA in Indianapolis. Mira is now the Executive Assistant to the President at Ohio State University.
Greg grew up in Harrisburg, Pa., and attended Dickinson College to study history. He went on to study law at the University of Pennsylvania. After graduating, Greg became a real estate lawyer. Greg served as Senior Vice President for Big Box, Theatre, and Peripheral Development Simon Property Group in Indianapolis, and is now employed at Washington Prime Group Inc., a recognized leader in the ownership, management, acquisition and development of retail properties, as Executive Vice President for Development.
Returning to Ball State
Mira and Greg met in 2011 and married the very next year. Greg had never been to Ball State, so they decided to make a trip back to Mira's alma mater. "We attended the Beneficence Society Homecoming Luncheon, and the next day a football game," Mira says. "People were so nice. It was just like how I remembered it. We even met with John Worthen, who was president when I attended Ball State."
The Zimmermans decided to make a bequest to Ball State to show their appreciation for Mira's education. "I'm a big believer in higher education," Greg says. "I know how Mira feels about Ball State and I've been introduced to it through her. I've spent some time there and now I love it too. I also know how important it is for a university to have bequests, especially from alumni."
Supporting Opportunities for Others
The Beneficence Society Luncheon that the Zimmermans attended featured students from BSU at the Games, a journalism immersive learning experience. These students gave a presentation on their experience covering the 2012 London Olympics. Mira was impressed by this unique opportunity, and decided that she would like half of her bequest to support the journalism department and the other half to support immersive learning experiences. "They didn't have immersive learning when I attended, so I just want students to have this kind of opportunity so that they can end up in a great career," Mira says. "If not for Ball State, and learning how to write well and manage things, I wouldn't be where I am today."
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